Monday, May 16, 2016

Best 3 Week Diet Plan Review - Video

Customers Reviews

Worth the effort for real results  (Donna Wishart)
I have tried a lot of diets over the years with varying results and it becomes harder and harder to see any results. Although not hugely overweight, I was not happy with by body shape and fat around my midsection but couldn't seem to shift it. I was sceptical about trying this diet as I had 'heard it all before' but as it wasn't too expensive or for too long I thought I'd give it a bash. The first couple of days I found quite hard and suffered from sore heads which I believe is common on detox and carb withdrawal but after that, I saw daily results and felt much better. The daily weight loss really motivated me and the loss in inches around my waist in the first week was amazing. I have only completed the first two weeks so far but am really pleased with the results. I have not been absolutely rigid with the exercising but have lost 10lb so far. I have to confess to not actually losing anything during days 9-11 but am still very pleased with the results so far and am hopeful to lose the last 7lb I want to in the last phase.
It really works!! (Taira)
I first saw a link to Brian Flatt's 3 week diet on pinterest. The title of losing 21 pounds of body fat in 3 weeks got my attention. I was skeptical at first. I have tried multiple diets, but nothing has ever stuck with me. I gained 40 pounds after having 2 kids, and after 6 years I felt like I would never get to my pre-pregnancy weight. After reading MANY testimonials about this "diet" I decided to give it a try. I figured I could do anything for 3 weeks, no matter what I had to cut out. I decided to do the first 3 weeks without exercise. Thinking of adding exercise wore me out and overwhelmed me. The first week was really hard, I won't lie. I was used to snacking and it took a lot of willpower to divert my mind from reaching for the oreos. But after the first 2 days I had lost 6 pounds!! That kept me going. How much could I lose in a week? 2 weeks? 3 weeks?! After the first week things got easier. I had more energy and I felt good about myself. And at the end of 3 weeks I was SO excited that I had lost 20 pounds. I got to the point that I was ready to add exercise and to continue living this lifestyle. I have lost a total of 30 pounds in 10 weeks. I feel healthy, strong and confident. The thing I love about this lifestyle the most is that it didn't take a magic pill, a fancy shake or pre-made meals. Just guidelines to a healthier lifestyle with FAST results! Thank you so much Brian Flatt for helping me achieve my goals with a lifestyle I can live with! 
Easy to follow and understand. (Mandy)
This book lays out the fact and fiction about losing weight. He is able to explain what does what and why it does it and how it will work to help lose weight as well as giving you the motivation to actually finish the diet, which I have had no success elsewhere. With this 3week plan, I will see immediate results ! That is what will keep me going ! Thank you! 

The 3 Week Diet Plan Review – Is Brian Flatt’s Weight Loss Program Worth It?

Pen got a lot of promises on how to follow a diet plan will help you lose some pounds. The diet plan 3 Week by Brian Flatt is no different. You may want to ask if it is possible, to burn pounds A great shape and you have to have dreamed, following the program.

Is it really possible to lose up to 23 pounds in just 21 days?

Answer: Yes, it's possible. I've done it myself and I can say this without Undeniably, this is absolutely achievable.

What is 3 Week Diet System All About?

As described on the name of the diet already, the system's diet and workout plan full 3 weeks. In fact, it's over for 3 weeks. With six different components, you will teach yourself a new lifestyle. This will not only help you lose weight, but also keep it off.

The plan includes proper food diet 3 weeks within their meal plan and you do not take any pills.

The main goal of a 3-week diet plan to help you lose weight as much as possible within the 21 days, so you can see results quickly and remain motivated to achieve your weight loss goal. The program can be downloaded as an eBook containing 96 pages of content, including images.

Who is the author?

Brian Flatt, is a nutritionist, health coach, a biology degree plus it is also the proprietor REV Fitness, diet is developing. Brian invested over ten years in research before Flatt came up with the diet plan.
  1. The 3 Week Diet Plan Components
  2. The actual diet
  3. Exercise Plan
  4. Willpower, Motivation and Mindset
  5. Let's have a closer look at the various components:
  6. The program is divided into three major parts:

The Diet Plan

3 Week Diet Manual

This is most of the program and it is separated into the following 4 steps with the different elements.

Step # 1 (Day 1-7)

This works starting stage like magic as you will start to see a lot of pounds - about 5 to 10 pounds or even more - occur within the 7 day period. Subsequently the plan guarantees that you are going to lose weight. This step will cleanse your entire system, most notably the liver could probably have some questions.

The plan gives a detailed explanation of the type of food you are allowed to eat. A variety of vegetables and proteins such as eggs, meat and fish. Brian also included a detailed explanation on how to best prepare the food plus more carefully plan time for program analysis for the period 7days diet.

Step # 2 (day 8)

The stage but quickly 24 hours. Should be the last meal you had in one step most likely in the evening, would greens and protein sources are permitted. You will now go on 24-hour fast, from diner to diner. This is to enable your body to complete the detox, a large part of the fat-burning byproducts from the rapid weight loss in step 1. You are likely to be your next meal a day 8 evening. for the meal, you are free to have whatever you want, but carbohydrates should be very small in the meal. If you can not be fasting 24 hours, then you can copy what you did on the day 7 in the previous step.

Step # 3 (days 9-11)

This is referred to as the Phase Fat. Within days, you'll go to the recommended calorie assignment, and aiming to have at least 80% of the calories from fat. This low calorie, high fat plan is certified to help shed a lot of fat in a short period.

This does not sound easy though, but do not fret, you have a comprehensive listing of approved sources of fat, how are the prepared foods and the amount of calories you should eat - men and women - with the included sample eating plan.

Step # 4 (day 12-21)

You will gradually start to eat normally toward the final stage of this plan compared to 14 the previous day on this plan. Here you are limited to custom calorie scheme scores unique to your BMR and the force behind your weight loss goals.

You'll figure out how to know your BMR, is simple. Estimates Brian calculations in US and metric structure. Men and women also separate calculations. When you got your BMR, you will figure out how to structure a diet plan low-calorie be based on your BMR.


3 Week Diet Manual Workout

Who will the diet but the book makes you burn fat so in a relatively short period, exercise program can give you twice the results you got from the diet plan added. Most programs fail a diet because they do not adequately complimented with what is required to exercise effective. In exercises, fat loss as a result of the intensity and duration of the scheme. With Brian plan, the straight body workouts for about 20 to 30 minutes per day and 3 days a week only.

The exercises in the book combine resistance training and cardio exercises that stirs up your metabolism and causes your body burn more fat.

The diet plan workout 3 weeks are 4 basic exercises:

Goblet SquatIncline Dumbbell Bench PressBent-Over RowDumbbell Upright Row
To do this, all you will have at least two dumbbells and bench (optional). You do not really hit the gym, you can do effectively at home. Everything - how to go about the exercises, the amount of reps and sets you'll make - described in the book. You will also find some additional exercises on how to work out your abdominal muscles.

Personal tip: Do not skip the exercises. The same workouts helped me lose the extra weight, I was not able to lose with just diet. The workouts do not get more important when you age. I have passed the age of 40 as I started my weight loss journey. Those workouts gave me that extra kick needed to be capable of shedding off excess body fat.

Willpower, Motivation, and Mindset

This part is a real eye-opener because it has access to some common myths about reoccurring and will power to hinder the success of many people. Not only is this the captivating, but it is also a vital part of the diet program. The article will allow you scale through the willpower challenges before you and offer you a lot of easy options which assures you of a successful diet.

Weight loss success is like every other success was born right mindset. If you can maintain that attitude, then that becomes your goal of losing weight successfully and ever less stressful as you thought it might be.

The pros and cons

As with any diet plan and other workout, some are good and some of the weak points. It is the same for this program.


Everything is well organized in different categories (manuals). The material is easy to read and understand. Not like other diet books when you need a PhD to understand the information. They are written with the "normal" user in mind.
It can easily follow. Not only the diet plan but also that the workouts are easy to follow and you get a complete plan for each step, so you can get the best possible results.
This plan does not only help you to get rid of the extra weight, but will also help you teach your brain and body living a healthier lifestyle, which is the key to successfully lose weight and keep it off .
Cut leads oriented workouts.


No workout videos included. You describe recommended practices followed within the manual includes some basic images, but no video. I would have liked to see some videos of the workouts to see how to do them properly.

It is easy to videos on YouTube to find the workouts, but that extra step and it would be nice if such video, or even video links, that is included in this plan.

While This Is Your Diet?

Everyone who wants weight and getting results quickly to lose. Plus, since it consists of a proper diet plan, it can be followed by people of any age.

the verdict

Many people have struggled with weight loss over the years, but take off extra weight will not just happen automatically, regardless of the diet plan. If you want to achieve your goal of losing weight, then you have to put some effort on your part. And do not expect to see all the results you crave overnight either. Now you have 3-week diet plan with 60-day money back guarantee, then why not give it a try? You really have no excuse not to try it out, cause if you do not have the results as mentioned get, you will have your money refunded to you, and if it works, then you will be thankful you did it.

Overall, the 3 week diet plan solid, real plan and NOT a scam at all. It is also one, which I can personally recommend to my family and friends. With that being said, I highly recommend you try it, you should want to lose weight and start fast. Now it's your turn:
Get Started With Week 3 Diet Now

Questions and Answers

The diet is suitable for vegetarian and / or vegan people?

The diet is based heavily on proteins from the following resources: Chicken, Beef, Eggs, Fish, Shellfish, Turkey. If you do not eat them at all, then you might need to look for some protein options. The site below may help you to find them:,,20718479,00.htm

Here are some additional resources and large items:

  1. The Vegan athlete Ally (
  2. Protein in the diet Vegan (
  3. The Ultimate Guide to Vegan Protein and Supplements (
  4. Are there any supplements need to supplement the diet plan 3 weeks?

No, you do not need any supplements. However, Brian recommend whey protein, EPA / DHA (fish oil) and Yohimbine caffeine to get the best results. When I lost my £ 30, I took only the whey protein, but you can get good results without any supplements at all. It may take a bit longer to get rid off the required weight, but it will work as well.

Got any questions?

If you have any questions, regarding the 3 week diet you, then please leave a comment below and I'll try to answer them as well and as quickly as I can.


Dear Brian, 
I’ve lost 5 kilos in my first week. It's my 10th day and I have included salad with some protein (eg. egg/ lean chicken) as you suggested. After 4 years of trying, the fat is finally coming off. It truly feels like magic!  
Thank you so much.Vanessa B.

You don’t know me but my name is Elisa and I bought The 3 Week Diet one month ago. I want to share my weight loss story with you, Brian. 
Since having my first child, I've been carrying around an extra 30 pounds. I've tried many diets and couldn't make anything work. Your diet just made sense and showed me that everything I was doing before was wrong and a waste of my time. 
The 3 Week Diet plan was so refreshing and so simple to follow. I did everything you said and lost 23 pounds in the first three weeks. I’m now starting the diet again to lose 7 more pounds. You have changed my life, and I am incredibly thankful.  Elisa G. 
I purchased your 3 Week Diet program before Christmas and started it on January 21. I found the book to be very informative and easy to read. 
I’ve lost 17 pounds in 12 days, I’m just concerned that I’m losing too much weight, too quickly. I will admit I haven’t followed the guide exactly. I’m not sticking perfectly to the listed foods and meal plans (but mostly) and doing very little exercise, but the weight keeps flying off. 
It clearly works and if I’d followed it exactly I think it would scare the living daylights out of me because of the amount that I’d lose  . So thanks again for the information. I’ve never purchased anything like this before because they are usually full of trash, but 3WD has been a pleasant surprise. Plus my girlfriend can't get enough of my new body!  James R.