Monday, May 16, 2016

Best 3 Week Diet Plan Review - Video

Customers Reviews

Worth the effort for real results  (Donna Wishart)
I have tried a lot of diets over the years with varying results and it becomes harder and harder to see any results. Although not hugely overweight, I was not happy with by body shape and fat around my midsection but couldn't seem to shift it. I was sceptical about trying this diet as I had 'heard it all before' but as it wasn't too expensive or for too long I thought I'd give it a bash. The first couple of days I found quite hard and suffered from sore heads which I believe is common on detox and carb withdrawal but after that, I saw daily results and felt much better. The daily weight loss really motivated me and the loss in inches around my waist in the first week was amazing. I have only completed the first two weeks so far but am really pleased with the results. I have not been absolutely rigid with the exercising but have lost 10lb so far. I have to confess to not actually losing anything during days 9-11 but am still very pleased with the results so far and am hopeful to lose the last 7lb I want to in the last phase.
It really works!! (Taira)
I first saw a link to Brian Flatt's 3 week diet on pinterest. The title of losing 21 pounds of body fat in 3 weeks got my attention. I was skeptical at first. I have tried multiple diets, but nothing has ever stuck with me. I gained 40 pounds after having 2 kids, and after 6 years I felt like I would never get to my pre-pregnancy weight. After reading MANY testimonials about this "diet" I decided to give it a try. I figured I could do anything for 3 weeks, no matter what I had to cut out. I decided to do the first 3 weeks without exercise. Thinking of adding exercise wore me out and overwhelmed me. The first week was really hard, I won't lie. I was used to snacking and it took a lot of willpower to divert my mind from reaching for the oreos. But after the first 2 days I had lost 6 pounds!! That kept me going. How much could I lose in a week? 2 weeks? 3 weeks?! After the first week things got easier. I had more energy and I felt good about myself. And at the end of 3 weeks I was SO excited that I had lost 20 pounds. I got to the point that I was ready to add exercise and to continue living this lifestyle. I have lost a total of 30 pounds in 10 weeks. I feel healthy, strong and confident. The thing I love about this lifestyle the most is that it didn't take a magic pill, a fancy shake or pre-made meals. Just guidelines to a healthier lifestyle with FAST results! Thank you so much Brian Flatt for helping me achieve my goals with a lifestyle I can live with! 
Easy to follow and understand. (Mandy)
This book lays out the fact and fiction about losing weight. He is able to explain what does what and why it does it and how it will work to help lose weight as well as giving you the motivation to actually finish the diet, which I have had no success elsewhere. With this 3week plan, I will see immediate results ! That is what will keep me going ! Thank you! 

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